Bicycle Retailer Reviews the New Line of Montague Folding Bikes

Jason Norman of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News published a great article describing the new line of full size folding bikes. He starts off with a quote that seems to be straight from Star Wars: “Montague Corporation is going where no mainstream folding bike manufacturer has gone before-into the realm of 700c”. He continues on to rave about our new line of full size mountain bikes, a total revamp from those previously offered.

Norman seems to share our enthusiasm for our brand new line of bikes. We are thrilled to have gone “where no mainstream folding bike company has gone before” and hope to continue down this innovative road!

Don’t forget to send us your stories about how YOU use your Montague Folding Bike to have a chance to be featured in our newsletter! (

Ride Safe!

The Montague Corporation


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