For all you Paratrooper fans out there, we are considering adding a “Cammy Sand” color to the line up for 2011 to complement the “Cammy Green” color currently on the ever popular Paratrooper.
What do you think?
Would you be interested in a Cammy Sand color? Share your opinion below and help shape the direction of the 2011 Paratrooper.
[polldaddy poll=3341022]
Not just one new color but the ability to select any color would be great.Yark Enterprises in Taiwan have had a number of different colored bikes appear on their blog, as has Singapore Mountain Bike Forum.Mine will be repainted in the near future “Candy White”.
Paul, thanks for the input! We’d love to see a picture of your Paratrooper after your paint job. Feel free to post in on the Facebook Page or send it to bicycling at
How about a grey/white snow camo? Dunno if anyone rides this thing in the snow, but it would look awesome.
(I just bought my first lottery ticket ever. If I win something I’m getting my Paratrooper…)
it looks so nice with the new color, it’s really attractive. The most important reason i bought PARATROOPER is because of their fonts which is called IMPACT.
Loving the ‘Cammy Sand’, but where is the Sunshine Yellow version 🙂
To be honest, I’m not digging the sand color–Cammy Green is a hard color to beat. I’m with Mega on the white though. The Paratrooper would look tight in white.
Jake, I can’t imagine what a white bike would look like once you get done with it! 🙂
Grey-blue, then. That’s one of the colours in snow camo. 🙂
I’ll be buying a 2011 Paratrooper and I wouldn’t get the Cammy Sand; it’s alright, but like Paul, I’d like to see the ability to choose a couple different colours. A MATTE BLACK or MATTE WHITE (similar to the 2009 Gloss White UK version), would be really cool, and I think it would turn out to be a pretty popular sell for you guys.
Thanks for the great feedback! A matte black Paratrooper is in the works for 2011.
I think it’s a cool color, but I do really like the green the best and wouldn’t mind the pro version in the green as well
I want one in Stealth-Tech-Anthracite 😀
was the sand-one ever available?
Hey Pascal,
The sand Paratrooper has not been made available in the US, but it was produced for some of our Asian distributors. Depending where you’re writing from, it may be available.
Should try to put a “Navy blue ”
Im going repaint this bike to Navy blue one day, i brought before was a Cammy green.