Apr 15, 2010 | Uncategorised |
BikeBiz recently posted an article in the Sector Guides section of its website featuring bikes that fold, and who is first on the list but Montague Folding Bikes! iFold is a recently posted Sector Guide on the urban commuter’s dream: bikes that fold and can...
Apr 14, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Good morning riders! I was lucky enough this morning to be greeted at my desk with a most inspiring e-mail. Jan van Vugt: Jan the Bicycle Man, commented on our Facebook about a month ago, telling us about how much better he feels when he rides his Montague Folding...
Apr 9, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Montague Boston “Witness the world’s first 700c-wheeled, single-speed folding bike. If you live in a flat city and don’t mind arriving with some sweat on your brow, then you’ll also appreciate the Boston for its sturdiness and simplicity. [$769;...
Apr 9, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Jason Norman of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News published a great article describing the new line of full size folding bikes. He starts off with a quote that seems to be straight from Star Wars: “Montague Corporation is going where no mainstream folding bike...
Apr 8, 2010 | Commute, General, Lifestyle |
A big thanks to Dan Burgess and the other blog writers at Boston GreenScene for the recent posting about Montague’s new Boston folding bicycle! Please visit their website to read the article. The Boston is the world’s first 700c single speed folding bike. The...