Jun 28, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel |
Who needs bike coaches when you have a Montague Folding Bike? Still, we fully appreciate the extra portability and convenience of the The Bike Coach rail cars that are available on the MBTA Newburyport and Rockport commuter rail lines on weekends and holidays. These...
Jun 24, 2010 | Uncategorised |
For all you Paratrooper fans out there, we are considering adding a “Cammy Sand” color to the line up for 2011 to complement the “Cammy Green” color currently on the ever popular Paratrooper. What do you think? Would you be interested in a...
Jun 22, 2010 | Commute, General, Lifestyle, Recreation |
A good friend of mine, Wes, got hit by a car this weekend while riding his bike and broke his pelvis in three places. He’s going to be spending the rest of the summer in bed or in a wheelchair and will need extensive physical therapy and pins in his leg to...
Jun 18, 2010 | Adventure, Recreation |
I ride my Montague just about every day to work and on the weekends around town. So, I know how fun they are to ride. We are of course grateful and enthusiastic when others think so to. One of the perks of the job is hearing every day the different ways people use...
Jun 17, 2010 | Commute, Environment, Lifestyle, Recreation, Uncategorised |
Rain. If there is one thing that keeps cyclists at home or forces them into the car on their daily commute, it’s rain. It’s tough to argue that riding in the rain makes commuting on the bike and cycling in general more challenging, however, it...