1. Unlike some small-wheeled folding bikes, you can ride a folding bike with full-size wheels almost anywhere…
A small-wheeled folding bike for the sidewalk…
A Montague folding bike can go anywhere – from the trunk to the mountain.
2. Full-size folding bikes are still fully portable.
A bike with small wheels is easy to get around, but not to get around on.
A Montague folding bike is a great ride, and is also easy to transport.
3. You don’t compromise ride quality, speed, comfort or dignity…
Small bike – but how does it ride?
You won’t feel like you belong in the circus with a Montague folding bike.
Your illustrated comparison of dwarf folders with a Montague folding bike is a bit exaggerated because it does not take into account such classic folding bikes like the Brompton or the Birdy.
I agree with you, a full sized bike has many advantages over small folders, but there are urban mobility situations that make using a Brompton or a Birdy first choice.
Günther M
Those bikes we featured above are most certainly the most extreme of the small wheel folders. For some, the small wheel makes sense – they both have their place and certainly Brompton and Birdy make some of the best small wheel folding bikes. However, we’re partial to a bike that can handle a curb jump, pothole or mountain trail and still fit in the trunk. 😉
I don’t mind the smaller wheels, but the ability to use standard MTB groupsets/wheels/forks/etc is what makes Montague a win in my book where for others you have to get a special one.
@Zycat Yes! Never a problem finding replacement parts, and you can fully customize your folding bike with aftermarket components if you want.