Yesterday I shared some lessons from my recent car-bike incident.  Now to help keep your bike safe.

As much as many of us would like to be riding all day long, every day – most of the time that cannot be.  Even bicycle couriers have to stop and leave their bike unattended for a moment when making pick-ups and deliveries, and these people spend most days on a bike, all day long.  So in those moments when we must be parted from our bicycles, what is the best way to leave them?

There is the locking option.

We certainly don’t want this to happen:

Lock up damage

And this wheel has had it:

busted wheel

The first choice would be not to have to leave the bicycle unattended in the dangerous world to begin with.  Thieves, cars, vandalism, bad weather – all of these and more can leave your bicycle looking a lot different than how you left it; or gone entirely.  So here at Montague Bikes our first choice is fold and take indoors.  Even in homes challenged for space a folding bike can cozy up inside a closet or cupboard until the next ride.  Commuting to work?  No problem, a folded bicycle fits under a desk.

An urban bike that fits anywhere…

Fold and take it indoors, another answer to the bike security question.  This is a topic deserving more consideration, so stay tuned.


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