Imajinsha, or Imajin Co. – a Japanese publisher of children’s and educational books recently put the final touches on a new quiz book,  as part of their  educational book series.  One of the sections features bicycles, and you may recognize one of the shots in Question 13 here:

Imajin co folding bike quiz

The page reads:

Question 13 asks, For what use were folding bicycles developed?

A. To be able to carry aboard the train

B. To be able to fit in the trunk of a car

C. Military purpose

The Answer?

Imajin Co.'s folding bike history lessonIs option C.  Military purpose.  Montague Bikes joined up with the U.S. Armed Forces to produce new innovations on military folding bicycles, particularly for paratroopers.  But long before that, a little more than a century prior – bicycles were being used for military purposes.  

The passage on folding bike history reads:

More and more folding bikes are being developed and considered for military use.  Already in the 19th century conventional (nonfolding) bicycles were being put to use by the militaries of European countries, such as Italy and France.  At the end of the 19th century both the French military and Germany military were able to develop working portable folding bicycles, so that by World War I England, France, and many other nations put them to military use. And during the Second World War the English military was riding them for transportation.


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