For the last three years, Saris Cycling Group has held a bicycling themed poster contest during National Bike Month. This years contest had over 500 elementary schools from 27 different states participating. Students were challenged to make posters that illustrate the theme, “Bikes Make Life Better”. After more than 2,600 votes were cast from individuals all over the country, Hannah Pauls, a 5th grader from Mississippi, was chosen as the winner of the third annual contest. Check out her poster:


Winners were first selected on the state level, and each of them received a new bike, lights, and helmet, before being entered to win the national prize. Hannah’s poster won her a trip to Washington D.C. for the 2014 National Bike Summit where her poster will be displayed. In addition, her school will have bike parking for 20 bikes installed, and access to The Hub System, a web based way to track and encourage active transportation.

The contest is a great way to get the country’s youth aware of alternative transportation and involved in an active lifestyle at an early age. Mississippi contest coordinator Lindsey Netherland said “We are thrilled to learn that a student from Mississippi won. It really means a lot to our state, which continues to battle obesity and inactive lifestyles among our youth”.


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