Traveling across the US, be it by car, bike, hitchhiking, or hopping freight trains, is the quintessential American adventure. There’s nothing quite like the excitement of the open road. An unsupported bike tour from coast to coast is no easy endeavor, but one young man from Pendleton, Oregon has taken on the challenge with his Montague bike. Back in July, Andrew Hendrickson (@Hendand) packed up his panniers, loaded his tent and mandolin on his fully equipped Montague MX, and headed east. Averaging about 50 miles a day (with some days off for rest and sight seeing), he arrived on the East coast last week, landing in Portland Maine. After taking in his first views of the Atlantic Ocean, he headed South and stopped in to visit the Montague headquarters in Cambridge, MA.


Andrew rolling up to Montague HQ.


Meeting Dave Montague.

Having already ridden 50 miles that day to reach us, Andrew arrived with 3088 miles on his odometer, sore legs, and good spirits. We gave his bike a tune-up and replaced a few parts to make sure he wouldn’t have any troubles on the rest of his journey.


A new bottom bracket, brake pads, grips, and pedals brought his touring machine back to tip-top shape. Andrew has already passed through 18 states on his way here, and now plans to continue South along the East Coast all the way to Florida. With Winter nipping at his heels, he hopes to arrive in the Sunshine state by December, where he will (understandably) take a break and enjoy the warm weather.


Andrew’s route so far. Next is South to Florida.

Most of Andrew’s journey has consisted of camping, usually on public lands, in parks, backyards (with permission of course), and church grounds. He’s also found generous hosts along the way through the network at The site is an excellent resource for touring cyclists, and a great way for like minded individuals to connect and share stories from the road. Anyone willing to host a bike tourist can sign up, and as a rider, you can easily connect with those willing hosts in your area. Give them a call and you have yourself a bed or couch for the night, and of course a warm shower (a welcome luxury after days on the road). We found a spot for Andrew for his night in Boston, and in the morning he was off to Rhode Island.


Expect more updates as Andrew makes his way down the Eastern Seaboard on his Montague. You can also check out his personal blog at and follow him on Twitter at @Hendand.IMG_5744sq

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