With full size wheels and standard components, Montague bikes not only deliver the best ride quality and performance of any folding bike on the market, they also allow for complete customization. Montague riders from all over the world express themselves through their bikes with aftermarket parts, colorful accessories, and even complete builds from our individual framesets.

Here are some of our favorite custom folding bikes.

Velo Orange components on Boston - Beagle Bicycle Co

Single speed Boston by Beagle Bicycle Co., Burlington, ON

tiko-mulya-boston-8-editBoston 8 by Tiko Mulya

Henry Lam Chi Hang Customized Fit

FIT by Henry Lam Chi Hang, Hong Kong

Fit gravel bike - BEagle Bicycle

FIT gravel racer by Beagle Bicycle Co., Burlington, ON


Crosstown by Mark Chiu

Ron J ReyesParatrooper Pro by Ron Reyes, San Francisco


Custom Paratrooper Pro for Thai Police Patrol

327088_433121716755552_1775451087_oParatrooper by Kei Kei Thx, Hong Kong

Paratrooper Roger Cave

Paratrooper by Roger Cave, Australia


X70 by Thana Setchaiyan


X70 touring rig by Alessandro Zeggio, Italy


FIT by 林志成‎, Taiwan

FIT-gravel-4x3FIT gravel bike, Boston MA


Disc brake Crosstown by Samuele Polentes Della Vega


Have you customized your Montague folding bike? Share it with the Montague community on our Facebook page at facebook.com/foldingbike


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