Preventing Bike Theft

With a Montague Folding Bike you can easily store your bike in your apartment, car trunk or under your desk at work, making it much less likely you need to worry about bike theft. For those times when you can’t bring your bike inside, you need to lock it up right to...

The Paratrooper Folding Bike in the Field

One of the more well known Montague bikes is the Paratrooper folding mountain bike. Originally designed in conjunction with the United States Marines in 1997, today the Paratrooper is available to the general public and is still in use by the military. Why? The...

Epic Bike Rides, For A Cause

Does cycling make you more generous, or do generous people just eventually find their way to cycling? Maybe it’s a little of each but in my experience most cyclists at some point during their cycling lifetime will participate in some type of charity ride.  There...


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