Apr 24, 2012 | Activism, Environment, Lifestyle |
We all know that riding a bike is good for our health, good for the environment, and helps save money. Check out this video – wouldn’t it be great if more people rode bikes? And if more money went to bicycle infrastructure instead of super highways? It...
Feb 13, 2012 | Activism, General |
Will you soon be able to ride your bike from Key West to Pensacola with your arms folded across your chest? You will if the Florida State Senate measure passes the House. What do you think of no-hands riding? Do you ever do it? Do you think it should be legal? Or...
Jan 18, 2012 | Activism, Commute, General, Lifestyle |
I heard a couple of interesting pieces of information on National Public Radio in the last 12 hours. The first is that obesity rates in the U.S. seem to have stabilized over the past 10 years: the 1980s and 90s saw a steady increase in obesity rates, but these...
Nov 16, 2011 | Activism, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle |
Last week, we looked at a report from The Wall Street Journal that suggested a link between exposure to fuel emissions and neurological disorders. While driving is sometimes necessary, we know it’s not great for our health: as part of a sedentary lifestyle, it can...
Nov 8, 2011 | Activism, Lifestyle |
Today is voting day (municipal elections), and dutiful citizen that I am, I left for work 15 minutes early so that I could hit my polling station on the way in and still arrive on time. Since I ride my bike to work, I also rode to the polling station. But after I got...
Oct 19, 2011 | Activism, Commute, General, Lifestyle |
ZipCar wants it both ways. On the one hand, they’re trying to get people on board with a Low Car Diet by encouraging them to walk, bike, take public transportation, or rent a ZipCar, instead of using their personal vehicles. It’s a great idea, because it helps people...