Jan 9, 2014 | Activism, Environment, Lifestyle |
Bicycles can be used for transportation, fitness, recreation, and for those with a little imagination, a whole lot more. Pedal powered vehicles have been turned into shops, pubs, food carts, and perhaps most surprisingly… a venue for pole dancing. We’ll...
Dec 19, 2013 | Activism, Lifestyle |
Here in North America, bicycles have been in the news quite a bit lately. From the various bike share programs popping up across the US, to high profile bike lane debates in Brooklyn, the bicycle has been getting it’s fair share of attention. Unfortunately, it...
Aug 5, 2013 | Activism, Adventure, Travel |
There is a Spanish man named Alvaro Neil, who is better known to most as The Biciclown. He was born into life as a clown, a life of making people smile and laugh. But years ago, as most of us do, he pursued a “normal job”. He studied law, worked a stable...
Jul 25, 2013 | Activism, Commute, Travel |
Over the past 5 years, a project in the UK funded by the National Lottery, has built 84 cycling and walking routes designed to encourage people to leave the car at home and ride or walk for short journeys. The new paths expanded the UK’s existing National Cycle...
Jul 23, 2013 | Activism, Events |
Cyclists, bike lovers, riders of all ages and genders, ride their bikes to commute, for pleasure, and for fitness. People do their grocery shopping, go to the movies, work out, visit friends and family, go the beach, and go to the end of the world if they have to, all...
May 24, 2013 | Activism, Events, General, Lifestyle |
New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado has always had a special connection with the world of bicycles. They’ve worked closely with bicycle advocacy groups over the years, raising millions for bike non-profits with their Tour de Fat bicycle carnival. They...