Apr 16, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Blake Magazine featured a great spread featuring in the original Montague Folding Paratrooper. Blake Magazine is a hip, trendy French magazine-proof that Montague Folding Bikes really are loved all around the world! Visit our website to see a complete list of our new...
Apr 14, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Good morning riders! I was lucky enough this morning to be greeted at my desk with a most inspiring e-mail. Jan van Vugt: Jan the Bicycle Man, commented on our Facebook about a month ago, telling us about how much better he feels when he rides his Montague Folding...
Apr 9, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Montague Boston “Witness the world’s first 700c-wheeled, single-speed folding bike. If you live in a flat city and don’t mind arriving with some sweat on your brow, then you’ll also appreciate the Boston for its sturdiness and simplicity. [$769;...
Apr 9, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Jason Norman of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News published a great article describing the new line of full size folding bikes. He starts off with a quote that seems to be straight from Star Wars: “Montague Corporation is going where no mainstream folding bike...
Apr 7, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Bicycle Retailer and Industry News recently ran an article featuring the TaiPei Cycle Show that was held in TaiPei, Taiwan last month. The TaiPei Cycle Show is a “key venue as its international business grows” says Nicole Formosa of Bicycle Retailer....
Apr 7, 2010 | Adventure, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel, Uncategorised |
Congratulations, Boston cyclists!! You are now riding in one of the top 50 cities for biking in America. With Boston’s crazy roads and even crazier drivers, it is a wonder that we made it on this list (maybe they made a mistake??) but either way, we are...