Dec 12, 2007 | Adventure, General, Lifestyle, Travel |
Over the last week we received several stories from people who have been doing some traveling with their SwissBikes. The one below seems to epitomize the versatility and portability of the SwissBikes. Jon from Boston, MA writes: “My brother was recently in New...
Dec 6, 2007 | Adventure, Commute, General |
If you live in the northern states or anywhere else around the world that is far enough above the equator to freeze during these impending months, then you probably know that winter is not necessarily the season most conducive to riding your bike. Yet, there are those...
Nov 30, 2007 | Adventure, Commute, General, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel |
Hello! Welcome to the SwissBike blog. In the beginning of 2007 we released the SwissBike line of full size high-performance bikes that fold. After a short period we began to receive messages and photos from SwissBike riders around the world sharing stories about where...