Aug 10, 2012 | Accessories, Commute, Maintenance |
Understatement: Brakes are very helpful. Brakes allow we riders to react to those unexpected moments on the road and stop quickly, to help ensure our health and safety, as well as that of other road users. They let us stop as we approach intersections when the light...
Aug 7, 2012 | Activism, Commute |
Recently an article ran in The New York Times Opinion Pages by Randy Cohen. The author makes an argument that while running a red light may be illegal it is ethical by his considerations, as his actions could only injure himself. He invokes Emmanuel Kant and...
Aug 6, 2012 | Accessories, Commute, Maintenance, Travel |
Tools of the trade. In a mechanic’s shop you’ll see walls and drawers of tools, shelves of components, it’s a treasure trove; with these resources you can handle anything. When you’re on your bike it is certainly a good idea to be similarly...
Aug 3, 2012 | Activism, Adventure, Commute |
We’ve been focusing on urban cycling recently, but what happens when you travel? When you live just a bit further than is comfortable to ride from, for whatever reason: time, distance, infrastructure limitations. The image above comes from the current exhibit...
Aug 2, 2012 | Activism, Commute, Lifestyle |
With the influx of cycling and new cyclists in our city and around the world, there are sadly more accidents -and bound to be more – as drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike acclimate to the new street dynamic. Our emergency services must adjust as well;...
Aug 1, 2012 | Commute, Environment, Lifestyle |
Along with all the Olympics news coming out of London, there has been some cycling news outside of the races. Changes in the great historic city of London are reflecting a change in the times, away from the car-centered past and a turn toward a...