Are Fenders Right for You?

For transportation cyclists, fenders aren’t a strict necessity, but they are an incredibly functional accessory for any city rider or commuter. Fenders (or “mudguards” as people outside the U.S. call them) are what will keep you from having a skunk stripe on your...

Montague Bikes at MassBike Fashion Show

Last night, MassBike, a statewide bicycle advocacy organization in Massachusetts, hosted its annual Bike Night. This year’s theme was “Beyond the Spandex” and showcased bikes, accessories, and apparel, with a focus on bikes as commuter vehicles and...

Save Green by Going Green

Over the past month, gas prices around the U.S. have topped $4/gal in many areas. This price hike got many drivers to change their habits – either taking transit, combining trips, carpooling, or bike commuting. Now that gas prices are, at least temporarily, headed...

Reduce Vehicle Costs with a Folding Bike

I heard something interesting on the radio this morning – Boston is now the 5th most expensive city in the U.S. to rent an apartment. Average rent for a 1-bedroom is now $1620. This is due in part to the mess the housing market is in right now, and more people...

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