Nov 22, 2011 | Commute, Environment, General |
Just last week, we told you about the 2 Mile Challenge. CLIF Bar is trying to encourage people to ride more, especially for shorter trips, by providing a way for participants to track their mileage, and then converting the mileage to the amount of pollutants that were...
Nov 16, 2011 | Activism, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle |
Last week, we looked at a report from The Wall Street Journal that suggested a link between exposure to fuel emissions and neurological disorders. While driving is sometimes necessary, we know it’s not great for our health: as part of a sedentary lifestyle, it can...
Oct 24, 2011 | Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle, Recreation |
As we’ve been discussing recently, it’s not easy to be a cyclist on the streets of an American city – cars and bikes are too often competing for the same space, bikes are travelling on roads that have not been designed with them in mind (e.g. bike lanes that place...
Oct 19, 2011 | Activism, Commute, General, Lifestyle |
ZipCar wants it both ways. On the one hand, they’re trying to get people on board with a Low Car Diet by encouraging them to walk, bike, take public transportation, or rent a ZipCar, instead of using their personal vehicles. It’s a great idea, because it helps people...
Oct 17, 2011 | Commute, General, Lifestyle |
I don’t know what it’s like in the rest of the world these days, but in Boston, at least, it seems that drivers are becoming angrier. I am an experienced, conscientious, law-abiding cyclist, but recently, it is with alarming frequency that drivers have yelled at me to...
Oct 5, 2011 | Activism, Commute, Events, General, Lifestyle |
There are a lot of events and specialty days and months dedicated to getting people on their bikes. Back in May, we talked about Bike-to-Work Day/Week/Month, and just a couple of weeks ago, International Car-Free Day/Week. But today is International Walk/Bike to...