Feb 12, 2014 | Accessories, Environment, Lifestyle |
There are a lot of parts on a bicycle that need to be replaced regularly; tires, tubes, chains, brake cables, you name it. When old parts are swapped out for shiny new replacements, they often end up in a scrap heap or a bin in your basement never to be seen again,...
Jan 21, 2014 | Environment, Recreation, Tour of the Americas, Travel |
Ever wanted to pack up your bikes and go to Belize for a ride through the jungle? Take a look! Although we’ve only spent five days in Belize, we have been pleasantly surprised for two reasons: first, the people. Belize is a truly mixed country with people from...
Jan 14, 2014 | Activism, Environment, Lifestyle |
We all know the classic image of the cycle courier, the hardened bike messenger who rides day in and day out to deliver the most time critical of packages. Accustomed to rain, sleet, and bitter cold, no stranger to aggressive drivers and shouting matches with cabbies....
Jan 9, 2014 | Activism, Environment, Lifestyle |
Bicycles can be used for transportation, fitness, recreation, and for those with a little imagination, a whole lot more. Pedal powered vehicles have been turned into shops, pubs, food carts, and perhaps most surprisingly… a venue for pole dancing. We’ll...
Oct 30, 2013 | Commute, Environment, Lifestyle |
A study recently reported on by NPR showed that in 23 European countries, bicycles outsold cars last year. In the UK, 3 million bicycles were purchased, compared to just 2 million new cars. Similar numbers were found for nearly every other nation in the EU, with...
Jun 13, 2013 | Accessories, Commute, Environment |
Do you ever listen to music on your phone while cycling? How often do you use your mobile to track a ride via GPS, to gather speed and elevation data? (I know you Strava addicts are out there). Have you ever been on a bike tour enjoying the nature and fresh air, while...