Jul 3, 2012 | Environment, Recreation |
Taking a slight pause from the cyclocross build series… Encounters with Nature Sometimes when you ride, just for the sake of riding, you end up further afield than you had originally planned – and sometimes it gets dark. Lacking superhero vision capacity...
May 3, 2012 | Commute, Environment, Lifestyle |
Over the past month, gas prices around the U.S. have topped $4/gal in many areas. This price hike got many drivers to change their habits – either taking transit, combining trips, carpooling, or bike commuting. Now that gas prices are, at least temporarily, headed...
Apr 24, 2012 | Activism, Environment, Lifestyle |
We all know that riding a bike is good for our health, good for the environment, and helps save money. Check out this video – wouldn’t it be great if more people rode bikes? And if more money went to bicycle infrastructure instead of super highways? It...
Jan 9, 2012 | Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle |
One of the best things about cycling, even in winter, is that it brings you closer to your surroundings than car travel or public transportation. You might wonder how close you want to be to your surroundings in the middle of winter, but here in Boston, it’s been...
Nov 22, 2011 | Commute, Environment, General |
Just last week, we told you about the 2 Mile Challenge. CLIF Bar is trying to encourage people to ride more, especially for shorter trips, by providing a way for participants to track their mileage, and then converting the mileage to the amount of pollutants that were...
Nov 16, 2011 | Activism, Commute, Environment, General, Lifestyle |
Last week, we looked at a report from The Wall Street Journal that suggested a link between exposure to fuel emissions and neurological disorders. While driving is sometimes necessary, we know it’s not great for our health: as part of a sedentary lifestyle, it can...