Oct 17, 2011 | Commute, General, Lifestyle |
I don’t know what it’s like in the rest of the world these days, but in Boston, at least, it seems that drivers are becoming angrier. I am an experienced, conscientious, law-abiding cyclist, but recently, it is with alarming frequency that drivers have yelled at me to...
Oct 6, 2011 | Accessories, General, Lifestyle |
If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you probably know that in addition to a complete line of full-size folding bikes, Montague also designs and manufactures bicycle components, with an eye to make riding easier, safer, and more comfortable. To this end,...
Oct 5, 2011 | Activism, Commute, Events, General, Lifestyle |
There are a lot of events and specialty days and months dedicated to getting people on their bikes. Back in May, we talked about Bike-to-Work Day/Week/Month, and just a couple of weeks ago, International Car-Free Day/Week. But today is International Walk/Bike to...
Sep 26, 2011 | Events, General, Lifestyle, Recreation |
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that the Montague Crosstown folding bike would be featured in a fashion show put on by Momentum Magazine during Interbike – and we captured the moment on film. At the show, each bike rode the runway against the backdrop of a city,...
Sep 13, 2011 | Bike Racing, Events, General, Lifestyle |
Just when you thought there weren’t enough exciting things to do in Las Vegas, along comes interbike – the largest bicycle trade show in North America. Interbike brings folks together from every corner of the cycling industry – you get everything from bikes to...
Aug 25, 2011 | Commute, General, Lifestyle |
A recent study conducted by MSN found Lexington KY to be the most sedentary city in the U.S. They reached this conclusion by comparing how many hours of physical activity people reported, how much cable TV they watched, how many video games they purchased, as well as...