Mar 1, 2013 | Adventure, Events, Lifestyle, Travel |
It’s no secret that Montague folding bikes are great to travel with. And when your occupation has you traveling constantly, a Montague bike can make a great companion on the road. When that occupation is touring with one of the greatest British rock bands of all...
Nov 30, 2012 | Accessories, Commute, Lifestyle |
We’ve talked about getting started with clipless pedals, we’ve talked about different pedal options, now it’s time to look at shoes. I’ve been riding with Sidi mountain bike shoes, and I’m quite happy with them thus far. They have a very...
Nov 9, 2012 | Activism, Commute, Lifestyle |
There’s an infrastructure first in Tuscon now, a bicycle crosswalk, or ‘crossbike’. Tuscon Velo recently explored this new piece of bike safety engineering. Of course we’ve all probably seen, at one point or another, a cyclist using the...
Nov 5, 2012 | Adventure, Environment, Events, Lifestyle, Recreation, Travel |
We’ve been talking about commuting recently, this adventure is a byproduct of bike commuting growing into a greater love of cycling. November Adventure This past weekend I undertook an adventure a long time in the making. Since becoming a more and more...
Nov 5, 2012 | Accessories, Lifestyle | We’ve been in the news a little recently. The UK’s popular cycling forum, reports on Montague’s folding frame sets in their tech round up! Folding Cyclist And closer to home The Folding...
Nov 2, 2012 | Activism, Commute, Environment, Lifestyle |
In case you’re tuning in from another part of the world, Hurricane Sandy made it’s way up the east coast and threw everything she had against New York and New Jersey at the beginning of this week. We’re seeing the greatest natural disaster New York...