Recognize These Guys?

We think all Montague bike owners are famous but here are a few that have made celebrity status! David Byrne: Arrrrnold Schwarzenegger: General Wesley Clark: Mr. Robert Downy Junior (aka Ironman) Val Kilmer: Is that Pierce Brosnan?  No…it’’s.....

Vote on a new Paratrooper color

For all you Paratrooper fans out there, we are considering adding a “Cammy Sand” color to the line up for 2011 to complement the “Cammy Green” color currently on the ever popular Paratrooper. What do you think? Would you be interested in a...

What does cycling mean to you?

Now that National Bike Month has passed now is the perfect time for cyclists to keep the momentum gained in May and reflect on what it is we love about the bike and share with our non-cycling friends why the draw to two wheels is so strong. I’ll start the list...


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