Stories, tutorials, and advice from the Montague Bikes team.Save Green by Going Green
Over the past month, gas prices around the U.S. have topped $4/gal in many areas. This price hike got many drivers to change their habits – either taking transit, combining trips, carpooling, or bike commuting. Now that gas prices are, at least temporarily, headed...
Kick Off National Bike Month by Joining the National Bike Challenge
Looking for a way to motivate yourself to ride this spring and summer? Check out the National Bike Challenge, sponsored by Bikes Belong, the League of American Bicyclists, and Kimberly-Clark. It runs from May through August, you can join as an individual, with a team...
May is National Bike Month
Ever since 1956, the League of American Bicyclists has designated May as National Bike Month. This means that, throughout the month of May, you should be keeping an eye out for special bike-themed events in your area - rides, maintenance and safety classes, film...
Great Reasons to Ride
We all know that riding a bike is good for our health, good for the environment, and helps save money. Check out this video - wouldn't it be great if more people rode bikes? And if more money went to bicycle infrastructure instead of super highways? It might be easier...
A Midnight Ride in Boston
Yesterday was Patriot's Day in Massachusetts - where just a few miles west of Boston, townspeople (and SCA enthusiasts) re-enacted the historic Battles of Lexington and Concord, widely regarded as the first military engagement of the American Revolution in 1775....
Roadside Assistance from a Montague Folding Bike
One of our dealers up in Ontario, Canada, Troy Mitchell at the Mobile Bike Shop, has partnered with the Canadian Automobile Association of South Central Ontario (CAASCO to those in the know) to provide a unique service to cyclists in the area. For the past couple of...
SwissBike X90 Now Available in the U.S.
If you've been waiting for a fully loaded, full-size, high-performance mountain bike that can fold to fit in the trunk of your car or hall closet, your wait is finally over. Montague is pleased to be able to offer the SwissBike X90 in the U.S. for the first time ever!...
A Lean, Mean, Off-Roading Machine
Thanks to one a Montague rider for sending in pictures of his customized Paratrooper. Looks like he's changed up the handlebars, fork, and saddle, and added a fender. He's also put in a belt drive and Rohloff internal hub - a good choice looking at the sand he rides...
Unable to withstand the allure of the UNBELIEVABLE weather, the Montague bicycle gang takes to the streets... ...And celebrates a 50-degree day in February. How has your winter been so far? Have you been enjoying a mild winter as well? Got any extra riding in?
Will you soon be able to ride your bike from Key West to Pensacola with your arms folded across your chest? You will if the Florida State Senate measure passes the House. What do you think of no-hands riding? Do you ever do it? Do you think it should be legal? Or...
Reduce Vehicle Costs with a Folding Bike
I heard something interesting on the radio this morning - Boston is now the 5th most expensive city in the U.S. to rent an apartment. Average rent for a 1-bedroom is now $1620. This is due in part to the mess the housing market is in right now, and more people are...
The Paratrooper Rides in Indy
What better way to celebrate the 2nd inauguration of Indianapolis mayor Greg Ballard than with a bike ride...right? Even in January? Despite the snow and cold temperatures, hundreds of riders turned out for a ride hosted by the mayor. And among the bikes and riders...
3 Reasons to go with a Full Size Folding Bike
1. Unlike some small-wheeled folding bikes, you can ride a folding bike with full-size wheels almost anywhere... 2. Full-size folding bikes are still fully portable. 3. You don't compromise ride quality, speed, comfort or dignity... Reviews the Boston and Boston 8
It's quite the month for Boston reviews! We've already heard from Matt Allyn at, who gave rave reviews to the Boston. And now we've just got another review of the Boston from, a UK based site, as well as its 8-speed variation, the Boston 8. You...
Cut the Fat – Ride a Bike
I heard a couple of interesting pieces of information on National Public Radio in the last 12 hours. The first is that obesity rates in the U.S. seem to have stabilized over the past 10 years: the 1980s and 90s saw a steady increase in obesity rates, but these...
The Bard and the Bike, Act II: A Winter’s Tale and Hamlet
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may remember that back in October, we had a post where one of Shakespeare's famous speeches from the Merchant of Venice was re-worked to reflect the conflict between cyclists and drivers. One of the reasons Shakespeare has...
New Discovery Channel Show Features the Paratrooper Folding Bike
Tonight, at 10pm EST, a new show called Combat Cash is premiering on the Discovery Channel. In the same vein as the History Channel’s American Pickers and Pawn Stars, SpikeTV’s Auction Hunters, and PBS’ Antiques Roadshow, except with a focus on military history, hosts...
Bicycle Commuting as an Urban Safari
One of the best things about cycling, even in winter, is that it brings you closer to your surroundings than car travel or public transportation. You might wonder how close you want to be to your surroundings in the middle of winter, but here in Boston, it’s been...