Stories, tutorials, and advice from the Montague Bikes team.Folding Bikes: Does Size Matter?
Among the many choices you need to make when selecting the right bike for you, one of the more important decisions is size. This doesn't mean just frame size, but also the size of the wheels. You may not be familiar with the different sizes of wheels available on road...
A Valentine’s Day Poem for the Folding Bicycle
I love the folding bicycles That are made by Montague, They're so easy to just fold and go That you might want one too. I love my bike’s performance And I love that it is portable, And compared to similar non-folding bikes, It’s so light and so affordable. But my bike...
Winter Bike Maintenance Tips: Fold in the Cold (and Wet, and Ice…)
There are a lot of opinions about what constitutes the perfect winter bike. And depending on where you live and how harsh or mild the winter is that year, you might find that you need extra equipment or that you can get by on what you ride in the warmer months. But...
Should Cyclists and Motorists be Subject to the Same Laws?
Bikes are different than cars: bikes have only two wheels; bikes are smaller and travel at slower speeds; people who ride bikes (cyclists) are not required to be a certain minimum age, pass a test, have a license, or register or insure their bicycles; there are no...
Octagon – Tool Free Handlebar Height Adjustment Now Available
For more than 20 years Montague has been dedicated to making cycling more accessible by creating folding bikes that performed as well or better than a non-folding bike and could also be transported easily to give the rider maximum flexibility. That drive has led to...
Six Tips For Taking Your Riding Inside
As we talked about in the last post, there are some people who ride outdoors all year long…and then there are the rest of us. If you want to keep riding once winter sets in, then you either need to move somewhere with warmer weather or ride inside. Choose Your Ride -...
Winter Riding: Avoiding the Bonk
Inclement winter weather can turn an otherwise pleasant outdoor ride into an arduous undertaking. Layering for a 30 minute bike commute is one thing, but dressing for a long ride in sub-zero temperatures, wind, and precipitation that weather forecasters call “wint’ry...
Bikes aren’t the only things that fold
You can never have too much of a good thing… One of the best features of Montague’s folding bikes is that they ride just like non-folding bicycles. If someone blindfolded you and gave you a Montague to ride (amusing mental image, but don’t try it at home), there’s no...
Bikes Not Bombs!
Here at Montague we’re always working on innovative new products and looking to improve our existing line of folding bikes. This means a lot of prototype frames and components coming in and out of our offices. Eventually, things start to pile up and we end up with a...
Bike Commuters – neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night
With the shortest day of the year upon us, you may notice a growing number of cyclists in highlighter yellow outerwear. As a bike commuter, I am a big fan of such apparel. I don’t own any yet, but I feel that my first purchase is not far off. I’ve been bike commuting...
Preventing Bike Theft
With a Montague Folding Bike you can easily store your bike in your apartment, car trunk or under your desk at work, making it much less likely you need to worry about bike theft. For those times when you can’t bring your bike inside, you need to lock it up right to...
The Paratrooper Folding Bike in the Field
One of the more well known Montague bikes is the Paratrooper folding mountain bike. Originally designed in conjunction with the United States Marines in 1997, today the Paratrooper is available to the general public and is still in use by the military. Why? The...
Epic Bike Rides, For A Cause
Does cycling make you more generous, or do generous people just eventually find their way to cycling? Maybe it's a little of each but in my experience most cyclists at some point during their cycling lifetime will participate in some type of charity ride. There are...
Folding Bikes Around The World
Montague customers continually amaze me with the stories they so graciously share with us. We hear from people all over the world who use their Montague bikes on all kinds of adventures. Here are just a few of the adventures we've heard about recently. Bob Bob bought...
Cycling Loses Key Member of Congress – What We Do Now
There are some topics that cross political lines. Cycling is one of them. While politicians may disagree on the laws that govern cyclists or how to best allocate resources for more cycling friendly infrastructure, everyone can agree that having more people ride bikes...
9 Cycling Tips to Help Keep You Safe on the Road
One of the great things about cycling is you can do it just about anywhere. You've read on this blog about Montague folding bikes flying and riding across Texas, riding through Alaska, competing in off-road triathlons and traversing the Iron Curtain trail. A unique...
A Bike Commuter’s Toolkit Essentials
Commuting by bike is a great way to stay healthy, do your part to save the environment and save money on car payments, gas and insurance costs. On top of that, a bike is significantly less expensive to maintain and easier to repair than a car when something goes...
7 Tips to Extend Your Bike Riding Season
Here in the northeast the mornings are starting to get frosty but the days are still comfortable, the foliage is beautiful and there is plenty of great riding to do. If the climate is getting cooler where you live, don't let the temperatures keep you from enjoying...