Press Release


It Pays to do a Park & Pedal Commute


CAMBRIDGE, MA – Commuting by bike can be a great way for someone to work some exercise into their schedule and save money on gas. But despite these benefits, bike commuting can be difficult for people who live far away from their workplace. With one of Montague’s full-size bikes that fold, however, anyone can commute by bike: instead of driving all the way to work, they can park and pedal.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the average roundtrip commute is about 25 miles. Considering the distance, it’s not surprising that more people don’t ride to work. 25 miles is a fair amount of riding, and there are a number of reasons someone could have for forgoing such a long bike commute.

To address this situation, Montague Corporation, a Cambridge, MA-based bicycle company, makes bike commuting more accessible. For the past 25 years, Montague has been designing and manufacturing full-size bikes that fold, in less than 20 seconds, to a compact 36”x28”x12”.  Montague bikes fold quickly and easily, without tools, to fit in a car trunk, on a bus, or underneath a desk.

And in today’s volatile economic climate, a Park & Pedal commute is a great way to save money on gas. With gas at $4/gal, someone who rides 25% of the time (just 3 miles each way on the average commute) pays only $3/gal per mile traveled, and the more they ride, the greater the savings.

Montague rider Zach Whitrock says, “I am a sailor stationed with Marines in Camp Lejeune, NC.  Gas is getting very expensive and I look forward to being able to commute to work via bike.” With a Montague bike that folds, getting better gas mileage is easy as parking a few miles from work and riding in – no need to invest in a new hybrid.

Bike commuting is also a way for people to fit exercise into an otherwise crowded schedule. With a Park & Pedal commute, people can save time, not just by turning the commute into exercise, but also by bypassing long lines of traffic. And not only do they spend less time going to and from work, but they can also skip the trip to the gym.

Whether someone is looking to save money on gas, get more exercise, or reduce their carbon footprint, a Montague bike that folds can help them do it all. And with a Park & Pedal commute, the benefits of bike commuting are available to everyone – even those who live more than a couple of miles from their workplace.

For more information on Montague’s complete line of pavement and mountain bikes that fold, visit or contact Montague at 800-736-5348.


About Montague Corporation
Montague Corporation is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is dedicated to advancing cycling through the development of inventive technologies that provide its customers with an unprecedented combination of performance and convenience. Montague has been manufacturing bikes and bike components for over 25 years. Visit or call toll free (800) 736-5348 for more information about Montague products and technologies.


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