Press Release

Montague Launches Official Park & Pedal Program



Ryan Walas

Montague Corporation

1035 Cambridge Street

Cambridge, MA 02141, USA

Telephone:  1-800-736-5348


EEA Secretary Beaton, DCR Commissioner Sanchez, and Montague Bikes Launch First in the Nation “Park&Pedal” Multimodal Commuting System

Boston, MA- Friday, July 31, 2015- Seeking to encourage healthier lifestyles, today, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Commissioner Carol Sanchez, and David Montague from Montague Bikes unveiled the first in the nation multimodal commuting network, called Park&Pedal, during a special ribbon cutting ceremony at DCR’s Herter Park on Soldier’s Field Road in Brighton. The free program, which is designed to encourage bike commuting by providing a network of parking hubs conveniently located within cycling distance from centers of employment, will allow commuters to park their cars for free and then ride their bikes the remaining distance to work.

“The Park&Pedal program is another great example of a public, private partnership that will benefit the citizens of the Commonwealth by encouraging additional outdoor opportunities for all to enjoy,” said EEA Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration remains steadfast in creating an infrastructure that lends itself to a healthy lifestyle.”

By commuters utilizing parking hubs, such as the one at DCR’s Christian Herter Park, the Commonwealth will benefit in various ways, including:

  • The reduction of traffic congestion during the rush hour commutes;
  • The increase in available parking spots within the City of Boston;
  • The decrease of environmentally harmful vehicle emissions; and
  • The contribution to a healthier citizenship.

“Boston has a large number of people who drive into the city each and every day attributing to traffic congestion and vehicle pollution,” said DCR Commissioner Carol Sanchez. “By providing commuters with additional travel options, many will incorporate riding a bike, at least a portion of the way, into their daily routines, which will be healthier for them, less expensive, and could possibly be a faster way to get to work.”

Working in conjunction with the program’s creator, David Montague of Montague Bikes, state officials, local businesses, non-profit organizations, and others strategically located parking hubs near the City of Boston to start building the Park & Pedal network. In addition to DCR’s Christian Herter Park in Brighton, the parking hub locations, which include free parking to commuters, include the Arsenal Mall in Watertown, Daly Rink in Newton, Mystic River Reservation in Medford, Cronin Rink in Revere, Franklin Park in Boston, and Tenean Beach in Boston.

David Montague conceived the program after personally parking and pedaling to work for years. “Park&Pedal removes two key barriers that people face when considering riding to work by allowing them to choose how far to ride, and where they feel comfortable riding. The Park&Pedal website shows a number of hubs at various distances from the city, and these hubs are often located near bike paths that lead into the city,” said David Montague.

According to the US Department of Transportation, the average round-trip commute in the United States is 24 miles and increasing. While this is an unmanageable distance for most to ride every day, Park&Pedal provides a manageable and convenient way to pedal around the issue.

Boston area Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) are integrating Park&Pedal into their alternative commute and incentive plans, delivering the program to the 400,000+ employees they service in the metro area. The TMAs join other employers interested in incorporating Park&Pedal into their incentive plans. Harvard University’s Mark Rabinsky said, “Park&Pedal is an excellent fit for Harvard’s sustainable transportation initiatives. The program shows great potential to reduce last-mile congestion in the dense urban environments surrounding the University’s campuses, while promoting safe and accessible bicycle commuting.”

Mark Walker of Montague Bikes added, “Employers such as Harvard University see the benefits of encouraging their employees to Park&Pedal, thereby creating healthy workers and lower health care costs. In addition, retailers such as the Arsenal Project, which is adjacent to the DCR bike path along the Charles River, see the benefits of providing parking spaces for Park&Pedal and are now hosting a hub of their own. Being involved in the program promises to deliver employed and healthy commuters to their establishment, while helping reduce Boston’s carbon footprint.”

Please visit or contact Montague Bikes at 800-736-5348 for further information regarding the new program.


About Montague Corporation

Montague Corporation is based in Cambridge, MA and is dedicated to advancing cycling through the development of inventive technologies. Montague has been manufacturing bikes and bike components for over 25 years. Visit or call (800) 736-5348 for more info.

About the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) strives to protect, preserve, manage and enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Commonwealth in order to promote healthy, livable and sustainable communities, and to connect people to these resources through recreation and education. or call 617-626-1250 for more info.

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