Press Release


Wall Street Journal Confirms It: Folding Bikes Are Cool


CAMBRIDGE, MA – October 4, 2010 – This weekend The Wall Street Journal featured folding bikes, including Montague’s full-size Crosstown model, in an article declaring something that the cycling marketplace has been coming to realize in recent years, folding bikes are cool.

Coverage by an international mainstream publication such as the Wall Street Journal confirms that the folding bike market has crossed a critical mass. “Our phones have been ringing off the hook with people who saw this weekend’s coverage,” said David Criswell, Marketing Manager for Montague Bikes, “we are hearing interest from both new and experienced bike riders that having a full-size bike and the portability of a folding bike is very appealing.”

While the popularity of folding bikes has been steadily growing since the 1970’s, interest has significantly increased in the past several years. The combination of high fuel prices, a push toward healthier lifestyles and increasing concern for the environment are turning more people to look at cycling, and specifically folding bikes, for commuting, fitness and general transportation.

The folding bike market has been a major benefactor to the growing interest in cycling because of the accessibility it brings to so many different markets. Boat, RV and private plane owners have long been one of the primary markets for folding bikes. However, that has been expanding to city dwellers with limited space and commuters who keep the bike in their trunk, drive part of the way to work, then combine cycling, sometimes with public transportation, to travel the last few miles.

“Coverage like this is invaluable for us and for the folding bike market,” Criswell notes, “with the cost of an ad the size of this weekend’s article running over $165,000 and US circulation for the Wall Street Journal of almost 1.7 million, we are thrilled to be featured in as one of the leading brands in the folding bike market.”


About Montague Corporation

Montague Corporation is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is dedicated to advancing cycling through the development of inventive technologies that provide its customers with an unprecedented combination of performance and convenience. Montague has been manufacturing bikes and bike components for over 20 years. Visit or call toll free (800) 736-5348 for more information about Montague products and technologies.



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